Da RONAreport is a collection of conversations;; an authentic depiction of emotion, circumstance, and the will to survive during Pandemic 2020. Our 49tH VOICE:: RuQuan Brown, Student-Athlete, Entrepreneur. RudaTruth talks about how he has coped with missing his graduation ceremony due to COVID, his gratitude for having the opportunity to spend time with family back in Texas where he grew up and his matriculation to Harvard as an education scholar and student athlete. This young man is destined to Excel and the wisdom he exudeS at {18} Eighteen years old is inspiring! |RealStories|ReaLRelevant| Quarantine wit DaBoXX… We got daily Fiyah! Fresh relevant CONTENT… Please subscribe to BlakBoxxRadio.com. YouTube:: Click Here to Subscribe BBRBigup to Rashad D. Hawkins for donating da RONAbeat.! BoXXUp…
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