May 14, 2021bbR Spotlight:: 1sT sessionOur first bbR SpotLighT...where we put some LighT on Brillance, Resilience, Opportunity, or just IDEAS! iTS daT SpoTLigHT!
Apr 30, 2021PowerPLaY:: BLakwomen ~1st quarter~PoWeRPLay:: BLaKWoMeN ~1st Quarter~ a Quarterly Conversation with BlaKWoMeN thru their LenS' and shared lived experienceS!
Apr 14, 2021The Community Corner:: The SySTemS ProPensiTy to CriMinaliZe POVERTY:: DaT B SideQueenA b and Toin welcome Ms. Caryn York; CEO of Job Opportunities TasK Force.
Apr 3, 2021The Community Corner:: The SySTemS PropensiTy to CriMinaliZe POVERTY:: DaT A SideToday on Easter Sunday; Happy Easter to everyone we are releasing the A side!
Mar 26, 2021FiTT TWiNS:: w/ speciaL Guest| Noni Brown| Owner:: Wombmenthings...Join D.Amaadi & Queen for this spirited session with our speciaL GuesT:: Noni Brown the owner of WombmenthingS
Jan 18, 2021Da BLaKWomen Perspective-Post 2020 -Post Insurrection -Post MLK Day -Post Trumpy -During COVID -RonaFatigue Sooo Much to UnPack! Join Us... Da BLaKWomen...
Jan 2, 2021RR:: Voice 62 Dr. Khalilah Harris, Ed.D, JDDa RONAreport is a collection of conversations;; an authentic depiction of emotion, circumstance, and the will to survive during Pandemic...