Da RONAreport is a collection of conversations;; an authentic depiction of emotion, circumstance, and the will to survive during Pandemic 2020. Our 43rd voice:: Haki Shakur Ammi, Baltimore City Fire Fighter/EMT, Author and Activist. We are exporting U back to April 2020{still early PANDEMIC 2020}. We sit down with Brotha Haki as he recounts his observations of the preparations that area hospitals were making in preparation for a surge in COVID 19 cases; and the importance of raising your consciousness and conducting independent research in a time of confusion and mixed messaging . AmAzin Commentary as we are now in August 2020{mid PANDEMIC} and the surge of RONA IS UPON us!! | ReaLStories |ReaLRelevant| You got to Quarantine wit DaBoXX… on YouTube:: Click Here to Subscribe BBRBigup to Rashad D. Hawkins for donating da RONAbeat.
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