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Rr:: Voice 29 |Kevin Seymore| Campaign Manager;; Ms Sheila Dixon 2020 Mayoral candidate:: Baltimore

Our twenty-ninth voice:: Kevin Seymore, political strategist and current campaign manager for the 2020 Baltimore City mayoral campaign of Sheila Dixon. Kevin speaks of the pivot the campaign has taken to reach and address the concerns of the citizens of the Baltimore. He also talks about how integral it is to protect the democratic process so people can exercise the civic right during COVID 19. Being a native of Tennessee, he shares how he is personally coping with distance from family and friends while processing this traumatic experience. We are treading closer to the 2020 Primary in BaltimoreCity:: June 2.2020;; our Get OUt To Vote [G.O.T.V.] campaign is installing its 5tH edition within Da RONAreport. During the G.O.T.V. Campaign, each RONAreport will be 2020 candidate for elective office or an election official{StayTuned}. |ReaLStories |ReaLRelevant| Quarantine wit DaBoXX… on YouTube:: Click Here to Subscribe BBRBigup to Rashad D. Hawkins for donating da RONAreport’s beat.


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