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Rr:: Voice 27 |Tori Rose| 2020 Baltimore City Council candidate:: District 7

Our twenty-seventh voice:: Tori Rose, 2020 Candidate for Baltimore City Council in the 7th District and Eductor. Tori talks about the unique makeup of the 7th district where she is campaigning as the only candidate born and raised there. She also shares her views on how the political system has failed the people it is supposed to serve and how she is instilling self-knowledge and strong values in her son as he is learning from home.

We are treading closer to the 2020 Primary in BaltimoreCity:: June 2.2020;; we are launching our Get OUt To Vote [G.O.T.V.] series within Da RONAreport. During the G.O.T.V. Campaign, each RONAreport will be 2020 candidate for elective office or a representative from their campaign. {StayTuned}. |ReaLStories |ReaLRelevant| Quarantine wit DaBoXX… on YouTube:: Click Here to Subscribe BBRBigup to Rashad D. Hawkins for donating da RONAreport’s beat.


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