Our twenty-sixth voice:: Rain Pryor 2020 Baltimore City Council Candidate for the 3rd District, Entertainer, and Writer. Rain talks about how the current crises has caused her to FOCUS on the things that are REALLY important. How COVID-19 has highlighted the structural inequalities in this country and the importance of self-sufficiency. We are treading closer to the 2020 Primary in BaltimoreCity:: June 2.2020;; we are launching our Get OUt To Vote [G.O.T.V.] series within Da RONAreport. During the G.O.T.V. series, each RONAreport will be 2020 candidate for elective office or a representative from their campaign. {StayTuned}. |ReaLStories |ReaLRelevant| Quarantine wit DaBoXX… on YouTube:: Click Here to Subscribe BBRBigup to Rashad D. Hawkins for donating da RONAreport’s beat.
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