Da FiTT TWiNS; itS DaT Time of the Month where the Focus is SelFCare for BLakWomen! Join D.Amaadi & Queen for this spirited session with our speciaL GuesT:: Noni Brown the owner of WombmenthingS. Ms Noni is at the helm of a company that reinjectS traditional therapieS into contemporary lifestyleS for WOMEN! You can find this AmaZin mission at wombmenthings.com OR her brick mortar space in Baltimore, Md. This is a conversation about the womeN Body, womeN IssueS, and The WOMB! Calling aLL Women, u already know, we are alwayS looking for appreciative movementS for our girl, our yoni, and our feminine core! MEN BoXXuP...u might learn something you did not know or will never experience! This information can make you a better partner OR be an appreciated GIFT for your mate... This conversation is for everyone... Listen in to learn about a trusted practice that has been shadowed by western medicine, pharmaceutical agents, and SURGERY! COME on in to daT FiTT TWiN Zen! We gotCHU... SUBSCRIBE TO:: blakboxxradio.com Where information is Relevant, Consistent, and SEXY!! BoXXup... PEACE
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